Friday, December 30, 2011

God's Invitation - New Year

You will find your breath
in the air of Salvation,
You will find your strength
in the warmth of the Son,
you will eat and drink at God's invitation
and the banquet has just begun!
The Kingdom of God says "come".

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Creator, yet a stranger - Christmas

Upon the earth
today there appears
a miracle of birth
never known to us, here -
coming in from the fields
the shepherds all kneel
at the foot of a manger,
lies the Creator,
and yet to us a stranger.
He made all the world
but it knew Him not,
sin separated us
and over time - we forgot
this Child in the manger,
the Creator,
yet to us a stranger.
A lesser God would have let us go,
steeped in our sins down here below,
but not this God we'll learn to know,
who lies in a manger,
our Creator,
yet a stranger.
If there's hope for one
there's hope for us all,
this baby Jesus
born in the straw,
will save mankind
and we'll bow in awe
to the Creator,
who lies in a manger,
yet to us, a stranger.
Oh such love in this lonely place,
oh such love in such a little face!
born anew is salvation by Grace;
what could seem stranger,
than the Creator lying
in a manger?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Always to Know... - winter

Here on earth,
before our eyes,
loneliness, pain and misery lie,
but  to lift up our souls
to You Lord, above,
is to give up our lives
to only Love;
so that at any moment I may know
simply peace and hope
where I may go;
there's never a time
or never a place
where I'll again be
without love 
or grace.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

What Moves Me Most - fall

What moves me most
is that I'm not just forgiven,
but cared for -
forgiveness lightens my load,
being cared for brightens my soul;
it moves my emotions to know
that Your caring and kindness
can be all my own. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

birthdate '56 - fall

Let's all think
like when we were young,
it's not about how
we may look now
but how our song is sung.
Don't sit still,
get up and dance
the world is still ours
don't leave life to chance!
If we're still here
we've things yet to do
wake each morning
to see it through -
let's all think
like when we were young,
it's not about how
we may look now
but how our song is sung.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Countenance - Thanksgiving

Dedicated to friends and family who I'm so very thankful for -

Someone who cares for your countenance
is someone that you should call friend
for people will pass you every day
but seldom if ever attend to
emotional shadows, always shifting,
and there are very few,
who tune into others and comprehend
that one has passed over you.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Winds of this World - fall

The winds of this world
rush past my face
as the clouds of earth
pass over my head.
I've stood this ground
until I'm weary
watching youth take flight
as the years have fled.
Where is all the wonder
that once flowed from my soul?
Where is all the wonder,
can I capture it again
as I grow old?
As I grow old.
Sit me in the winsome seat
that casts my eyes
up to the sky
and let me not be dwelling
on dampened dreams
wherein they lie.
Where I stand I cannot move
but above me
I still find
an ever changing landscape
where imagination thrives.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

No Failure in Fall - fall

What can I learn from the falling leaves?

How can one stay so vibrant that visibly grieves?

to cast adrift the draining remains,

so that the host may maintain


releasing the burdens that sometimes cling,

that would keep me from returning

with the spring;

back from the hardship

about to begin,

winter forthcoming

how it rides with the wind;


my time is not over,

but my trials may show

both with hope and with sadness -

that all of of the leaves must go.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

In the Woods - fall

Find me a soft spot
on the earth,
a place where only kindness falls
and no one ever gets hurt.
Like the leaves in autumn,
kindness cushions cold ground;
wafting down,
like God's love settling,
in solace
all around...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Life's Music - fall

every moment of life
is music -
exists in some emotion
sings with some manner of voice
senses each pulse of time
revealing truth in the telling
every moment of life
is music -
feel life's sound;
how is it moving in you
right now?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Too Small - fall

seemingly nonsensical
all throughout my life,
decisions I alone have made
based on fight or flight;
ends not knotted,
seams that were frayed,
no one ever seeing the garment
that together they made,
examining pieces far too small,
like taking one verse from a Bible full of scripture,
trying to make sense of it all,
while ignoring the Bigger Picture.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Mention Me

Mention me
once in awhile
with a laugh
and with a smile.
Always taking with you
some of what we've shared
and through life's times, connecting,
as once we did, back there. 

dedicated to Amy McVay-Abbott

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Nothing Lost - fall

The colors spilling, spinning 'round
upon the pallet spread,
orange, green,
yellow, brown,
the earth tones bled;
exchanging life as it was before
now together,
onto forests canvas floor
like ebbing embers
glowing -
mingling in - the soothing sounds
of shifting leaf and cricket song
singing that it's not the end,
what you were goes on,
for as the leaves come molting down
they mold together into ground
from which more life will ever spring
a beautiful cycle,

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Healing - summer

Pour out rays of sunshine
when the skies are gray,
pour on Your forgiveness
for my foolish ways,
let me pour out my soul
into Your warm embrace
and let me drink forever
from Your fountain of Grace.

Water, water
chasing after me
There is no escaping
such a persistant sea
I tried to make a life
on the desert sand
but the thirst for You, my Lord,
was more than I could stand.

Pour out rays of sunshine
when the skies are gray,
pour on Your forgiveness
for my foolish ways,
let me pour out my soul
into Your warm embrace
and let me drink forever
from Your fountain of Grace.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Who but You? - summer

Who but You,
O God,
would send a beautiful sunset
where no one sits?
Who but You,
O God,
has created creatures
that no one knows exists?
Who but you,
O God,
could put into motion
a swirling ocean
teeming with life,
unseen by eyes
other than Yours,
purely for Your delight.
Who but You,
O God,
who was
and i
and is to come.
Who but You,
O God,
could do what
You alone
have done.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Heavenly Hope - summer

Try as we might

things will never be just right,

this world is fraught with trouble,

and in the flesh we groan,

no matter where we are in life

there will always be a hunger for home....

Friday, August 12, 2011

Amber Waves - Summer

An allegory of growing older.....

For so long the wheat stood
stiff and straight
each stem strong
bearing its own weight,
but as it aged it began to droop
dropping its head
as if to stoop
relaxing into amber waves,
bowing with dignity,
graceful and brave.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Rest - summer

how pleasant the emotions,
forgiveness and love,
descending with mercy
as we stand in awe of
God and His goodness,
through grace we receive,
so much that we fear to scarcely breathe,
that breath itself would dissipate
the enveloping mist upon which we escape
with pleasure and happiness,
ethereal bliss
which, for this moment,
palpably exists.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

This Place - summer

I love the beauty of God in this place,

for He sits,

with me.

He does not allege there is any cost,

no notion of time seeming to be lost,

just allowed to be

and He's willing to stay

close to me.

What utter freedom

what absolute security,

love in all its purity

as I'm accepted

and embraced,

receiving the beauty

of God in this place.

My Mosquitoville - just for fun

Sing to the song - Marguritaville (remember these nights Elaine?)
Swatting away again in my Mosquitoville.
Listenin' for that thin, whiny call.
I know their game
and through which
screen hole they came -
how they lite,
on my ceiling and wall.

It's not very pleasin'
scratchin' all season
these crazy bugs got me singin' the blues,
and I'm goin' loony,
to their buzzin' toony
it's a wonder I can think at all....

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Assurance... - summer

My salvation is not in the sun,

the forests, meadows or mists;

No, my salvation is in the Lord

and all of this proves He exists!

Patiently, He's made me aware,

awakening me to know He is there

as high as the mountains

and deep as the sea,

so great does His love

hold humanity;

as sure as we live upon this land

so we are witness of His Almighty hand;

when I go to the hills

I can know it is He

who sits in the stillness next to me -

in my praise of nature

may I never ignore

the assurance of His presence,

this Creator, who is Lord.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Embers - summer

The embers of the fire

continue to fall,

the center glowing red,


then peripheral yellow.

It's heat is slowly going down,

going out,


as the gentle night

settles in -

the sunset is complete.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Broken Before the Lord - spring

Peter was strong, steadfast and brave:

whatever went wrong, he never ran away.

Nicknamed "the rock", by Jesus he stood,

day after day - he knew he always would.

Trusting his strength when times were tough

until the time came when his strength was not enough.

From the darkness they came with the torches of light,

carriers of fear cutting through the night.

Peter grew weak and left the Lord's side,

slipping away, hoping to hide -

hear him cry, hear him cry....

he opened his heart and out it poured,

he was broken before the Lord.


No sooner had tears left Peter's eyes

than Jesus was taken and crucified

but Peter came back 10 times as brave

when Jesus was risen and Jesus forgave -

this time Peter knew from where true strength came

every time a miracle was done in Jesus name....

Peter opened his heart, and out it poured,

he was broken before the Lord.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Afternoon Tea - spring

What a comfortable setting it was -

the white lace and teacups

on a table for two;

the world kept at bay -

no more room,

no more room...


We can chat and listen

and sip our brew,

laugh, or shed a tear or two;

sharing our lives, just me and you.


I will sorely miss our afternoon tea -

but more,

I'll miss your company.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Triangle Flag - Memorial Day

There's a triangle flag displayed on my wall;

dark blue with white stars

like when daylight is gone,

and you see past here - to beyond.


Many souls have served

beneath that flag

when it was unfurled in the field,

to later lie beneath it spread,

in rest, they all are healed.

A symbol only,

of unity,

that becomes more precious still,

with each new life that gives itself

of it's own free will.


There 's a triangle flag displayed on my wall;

dark blue with white stars

like when daylight is gone,

and you see past here - to beyond.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Morning Sun - spring

The morning sun is spilling over the landscape now;

it's cream and butter spreading its way over grass and ground;

up the tall buildings of the concrete world.


Absorbed by the hunger and thirst of the living -

setting its clocks by its warm announcement

that once again life is on the rise.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Memories - Mother's Day

A mother's memories

are made up of these;

of dandelion bouquets

and band-aid knees;

talking with her friends

and turning sixteen.

How could it have gone so fast?

How quickly the present becomes the past.


Kool-aid stands

and crayon on the wall;

marks on the doorway

to measure how tall;

then comes the prom

and be sure that you call -

How could it have gone so fast?

How quickly the present becomes the past.


Now I look you in the eye

and the feeling that comes over me

makes me want to cry;

that the little girl beside me

with her hand in mine

is now reaching it forward

to see what else she'll find.


Subtle are the seasons

that we weather through;

the memories that we're making

will be forever true,

so as you grow from little girl

to the woman you'll become -

we'll keep the ties

throughout our lives

and stay forever young.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

No Longer Alone - spring

Through the kindness of One

called Christ,

the pain and torment of this world

are taken away -

Christ has extracted all of

the poison left in us

from that venomous snake,

Jesus landscapes the desert of our souls

with the green of spring,

a clean, serene peace

that passes all understanding

kept within us by His Spirit

living with our own -

we shall never again

be alone.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Session - Spring

I just had another session

in my garden of possibilities,

taking care of problems,

plucking out all the weeds;

but what would my garden ever be

if all I did was remove and weed? -

a barren plot must cry for seed,

a need I must supply.

I'll sow with love and plant with care

and time will fertilize,

until the day when the weeds that are there

no longer have room to rise.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

One Man, One God - Easter

One Man, One God,

is all it takes to save

the millions who have been at odds

with all the love He gave.

After death upon a cross

He came out of the grave;

One Man, One God,

it all it takes to save.


One Man, One God,

beyond our human ways,

came to set his feet upon

the earth that He had made,

and gathering up our wickedness

into His jar of clay,

One Man, One God,

carried them all away....

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mary - Easter

How could the people gathered 'round

in this crowded place

know the feeling of the full eyes

of God upon my face?


and all of the acceptance

from this giver of the sacred Grace,


pouring out His lavish Love,

allowing me to live and share -


I poured my tears upon His feet

and wiped them with my hair.

Luke 7:38, John 11:2

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Need - spring

Inside we're still children,

needing to be loved,

it's something that we can't outgrow

or ever get too much of;

born with hunger into this world,

our hearts can be deceived,

love is life's true answer,

and God holds all we need.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Wake Up, O Spring - Easter

Wake up, O Spring!

and spread your arms wide,

your face upturned to steadily rise

toward the warmth of the sun

and the God who has given

life to all who in newness have risen.


Let all the shadows that fell before

be but a libation that passion has poured

upon all creation which is newly restored

to the glory,

the glory,

of the immortal Lord.


Wake up, O Spring,

your slumber is passed,

your day of revival is here -

at last!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Earthy Season - spring

Spring grows up from the ground,

an inch at a time I've found;

first the grass, then the pinfeather leaves

working their way from the braches of trees....

Fall begins at the top of the landscape

and winter falls from higher still,

but spring is such an earthy season,

I love it and I always will.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Trust - spring

How sad it is to not receive,

to sit alone and mournfully grieve,

would be as the flowers, in the spring,

refusing to open to what the sun brings,

craving the warmth of summers caress,

but so traumatized by winters distress -

afraid to reach out and feel the kind kiss

that is waiting there in sunrise mist,

waiting to fall upon life's ground,

look, it's calling from all around!

calling, "Trust this warming of the sun,

your time for living has just begun...."

Sunday, March 27, 2011

It Will Be Alright...... Spring

It's to the sunset I've always been drawn,

(never as inspired by the dawn)

its rays slowly softening as it goes along

weaving its colors to dream upon -


It's into the sunset we'll all disappear,

leaving behind the worlds stark fears;

leading us onward in hope for what lies

beyond these ever darkening skies;

there'll be no disappointments, to meet God there,

He who holds the sun, takes us into His care.


One day it will be our time to leave,

but for now there can be rest here as we

turn out the glimmering, weak earthly light,

knowing everything

will be alright.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

In Your World - spring

In Your world the love and kindness never end.
In Your world we have whatever good things
a creative mind can send.
In Your world we will have no reason to be afraid.
In Your world all our sacrifices have already been made.
Heaven's Kingdom shines for us,
Christ's flag of Truth has been unfurled,
Please hold us with Your might hand
until we're in Your world.
Yet I am always with You;
You hold me by my right hand.
You guide me with Your counsel,
and afterward You will take me into glory.
Psalm 73: 23,24

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tender Shoots - spring

Things that are tender are easily broken,
fragile and slender, seldom outspoken,
easy and gentle, warm and kind;
though fragile by nature,
they will not be confined.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Closing Gentle Leaves - spring

The sunset comes with its comforting glow,
closing gentle leaves like a book we've come to know
that we're glad to have experienced,
yet sorry to see it go -
Slipping slowly away like the sipping of tea
its passion apparent by its great entreaty;
for the sunset really doesn't fall,
instead it serves to give us call
to gather thoughts and loved ones near,
to stop the striving and just be here.
Take time for each subtle nuance it casts
and savor the moment, while it lasts.