Saturday, November 12, 2016

Walk on Water - fall

You didn’t sink and you didn’t fly,
You came for us to see you eye to eye.
You weren’t above and You weren’t below
You walked on the water
where no one else could go.
No wonder Peter was drawn toward,
no wonder compelled to try,
for a Lord to have humbled himself so
is to draw us to Your side.
So take us to Your Holy mountain
or simply grasp us by the hand,
Truly You were Almighty God
come from the sun and stars
to walk as mortal man.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Breath of Autumn-fall

The breath of autumn
has swept through the land,
unloading the leaves
where the trees still stand.
A miracle actually
that they return
like a new day dawning
and life relearned.
No matter what's been taken from you
get up the next day and follow through.
Whatever is missing
or been denied
can be refilled
by God, from inside.