Thursday, December 24, 2020

As I come to the cradle - Christmas Eve


As I come to the cradle
I see relief
through death and heartache
and pain and grief;
I see a baby
as new as the day,
with comfort, forgiveness
as real as we could pray;
a stirring of the heart
and yet so soothing be
this manger
and it's promise
fulfilled from the Father
to me.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

too long forgotten - fall

 too long forgotten

the kindness that came

onto the helpless

and those without name;

never to see them

again in this world

but given that moment

of kind deed or word;

these moments slip past us

so what do they mean?

Eternal compassion

for a second is seen

and seized by the giver

and those in much pain -

remembering that goodness

is not given in vain. 

too long forgotten - fall

too long forgotten

the kindness that came

unto the helpless

and those without name;

never to see them 

again in this world

but given that moment

of kind deed or word;

these moments slip past us

so what do they mean?

Eternal compassion

for a second is seen

and seized by the giver 

and those in much pain -

remembering that goodness

is not given in vain.


Monday, October 19, 2020

we will not despair - fall


On a sunless day there’s no turning of shadow
the sun having been obscured,
and so many have lost their direction
with no fixed light that is pure;
indeed we look,
but if in vain
on days of clouds
and days of rain
yet knowing that the sun is there
carries those of us
who will not despair
but know it travels east to west
is never changing,
beyond request,
so in waiting for Thee
in Praise we’ll be
no confusion
have we,
beyond blessed.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

forgiveness - summer

everything you're doing
will find its place
in the history of beginnings
in time and space
so in your action
be deliberate
is a conscious thought
and brings the bearer

I will not leave this earth disheartened - summer

I will not leave this earth disheartened
over broken dreams
or loss imparted
oh no, everything it deems important
shall but fall away
and He whose promises I lived
shall be the same forever
as they are today

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Father's Day - to my recently departed Dad who is now with Jesus

to follow in the footsteps
of someone who cares
who even in trouble
would always be there,
who leaves a lasting memory
of integrity and truth
coming from an honest place
since the time of his youth;
to find in life some humor
and courage when needed most
while taking on all life's challenges
but never one to boast,
working hard
but yet know rest
is a model
of life at its best;
to say a soft "I love you"
and a "thank you"
comes to bear
that which we already knew
but oh so good to share,
following a faith so true
the Lord above
was real to you
through songs you sang
and scriptures you read
always mindful of God
in the life you led;
your leading by example
leaves a mark upon the heart
and footsteps such as Dad has left
means we'll never have to part.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Overture to Eternity - when I get to heaven - spring

When I get to heaven will I say -
This is the healing music I heard
while on earth
when my soul was so disturbed;
and this is the warmth
that came my way 
when no one knew what to do or to say;
it is all here and it's come to pass
that faith in You
held steadfast,
was Your coming to me
and an overture to eternity.
The feeling of being held
was Your Spirit that swelled
inside of one who now can see
all that You are
is exactly what You said you would be.

"For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the son
and believes in him shall have eternal life,
and I will raise them up at the last day."
John 6:40

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

peaceful places - spring

I want to rest in a melody 
that I have never known
and drift upon its lifting wings
wherever they are blown
trusting it will carry me
to peaceful places yet unseen
where health and healing
like a flowing brook
mingle with birdsong
to form a prayer book

Saturday, April 4, 2020

shall we look at love - faith in trying times

shall we look at love
from many points of view
the angles open up
in these trying times we're going through;
shall we turn our heads
from side to side to see
who really is around us
and what the need might be;
shall we look at love
to open up our eyes
turn our faces heavenward
to the Love beyond the skies;
shall we look at love
to find it all anew
may the trying times we're living in
find the love in me and you

Friday, March 27, 2020

Let today be a day of healing
when so much of it seems torn,
let nothing stand between us
no matter the burdens worn;
all the good we were sharing before
is still where we stand,
let the Comforter come near to us
and Lord, heal our land.
Let all the good that God has given
be an act among us all,
to love and to give mercy
wherever we find the call.
Keeping faith amid asking for grace
walking humbly hand in hand,
let the Comforter come near to us 
and Lord, heal our land.

"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy 
and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8 

Friday, January 3, 2020

a good life - New Year living

there is nothing of money here
only the day is cloudy
or the day is clear,
there’s good found in the garden
for the weekly rain has come
we’ve worked our part and weeded
but God has sent the sun;
so stand I here
with people honest and true
because of their lives
I am knowing You;
a peace that passes
whatever lies outside,
since all of this was none of our making
there is no pride;
but to rest in peace
each night and each day,
things are as they are
it doesn’t matter if we have our way,
we just travel together
in prayer and in faith
while the Lord does the leading,
we will live in His grace.