Saturday, April 30, 2011

Session - Spring

I just had another session

in my garden of possibilities,

taking care of problems,

plucking out all the weeds;

but what would my garden ever be

if all I did was remove and weed? -

a barren plot must cry for seed,

a need I must supply.

I'll sow with love and plant with care

and time will fertilize,

until the day when the weeds that are there

no longer have room to rise.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

One Man, One God - Easter

One Man, One God,

is all it takes to save

the millions who have been at odds

with all the love He gave.

After death upon a cross

He came out of the grave;

One Man, One God,

it all it takes to save.


One Man, One God,

beyond our human ways,

came to set his feet upon

the earth that He had made,

and gathering up our wickedness

into His jar of clay,

One Man, One God,

carried them all away....

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mary - Easter

How could the people gathered 'round

in this crowded place

know the feeling of the full eyes

of God upon my face?


and all of the acceptance

from this giver of the sacred Grace,


pouring out His lavish Love,

allowing me to live and share -


I poured my tears upon His feet

and wiped them with my hair.

Luke 7:38, John 11:2

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Need - spring

Inside we're still children,

needing to be loved,

it's something that we can't outgrow

or ever get too much of;

born with hunger into this world,

our hearts can be deceived,

love is life's true answer,

and God holds all we need.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Wake Up, O Spring - Easter

Wake up, O Spring!

and spread your arms wide,

your face upturned to steadily rise

toward the warmth of the sun

and the God who has given

life to all who in newness have risen.


Let all the shadows that fell before

be but a libation that passion has poured

upon all creation which is newly restored

to the glory,

the glory,

of the immortal Lord.


Wake up, O Spring,

your slumber is passed,

your day of revival is here -

at last!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Earthy Season - spring

Spring grows up from the ground,

an inch at a time I've found;

first the grass, then the pinfeather leaves

working their way from the braches of trees....

Fall begins at the top of the landscape

and winter falls from higher still,

but spring is such an earthy season,

I love it and I always will.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Trust - spring

How sad it is to not receive,

to sit alone and mournfully grieve,

would be as the flowers, in the spring,

refusing to open to what the sun brings,

craving the warmth of summers caress,

but so traumatized by winters distress -

afraid to reach out and feel the kind kiss

that is waiting there in sunrise mist,

waiting to fall upon life's ground,

look, it's calling from all around!

calling, "Trust this warming of the sun,

your time for living has just begun...."