Monday, May 30, 2011

Triangle Flag - Memorial Day

There's a triangle flag displayed on my wall;

dark blue with white stars

like when daylight is gone,

and you see past here - to beyond.


Many souls have served

beneath that flag

when it was unfurled in the field,

to later lie beneath it spread,

in rest, they all are healed.

A symbol only,

of unity,

that becomes more precious still,

with each new life that gives itself

of it's own free will.


There 's a triangle flag displayed on my wall;

dark blue with white stars

like when daylight is gone,

and you see past here - to beyond.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Morning Sun - spring

The morning sun is spilling over the landscape now;

it's cream and butter spreading its way over grass and ground;

up the tall buildings of the concrete world.


Absorbed by the hunger and thirst of the living -

setting its clocks by its warm announcement

that once again life is on the rise.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Memories - Mother's Day

A mother's memories

are made up of these;

of dandelion bouquets

and band-aid knees;

talking with her friends

and turning sixteen.

How could it have gone so fast?

How quickly the present becomes the past.


Kool-aid stands

and crayon on the wall;

marks on the doorway

to measure how tall;

then comes the prom

and be sure that you call -

How could it have gone so fast?

How quickly the present becomes the past.


Now I look you in the eye

and the feeling that comes over me

makes me want to cry;

that the little girl beside me

with her hand in mine

is now reaching it forward

to see what else she'll find.


Subtle are the seasons

that we weather through;

the memories that we're making

will be forever true,

so as you grow from little girl

to the woman you'll become -

we'll keep the ties

throughout our lives

and stay forever young.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

No Longer Alone - spring

Through the kindness of One

called Christ,

the pain and torment of this world

are taken away -

Christ has extracted all of

the poison left in us

from that venomous snake,

Jesus landscapes the desert of our souls

with the green of spring,

a clean, serene peace

that passes all understanding

kept within us by His Spirit

living with our own -

we shall never again

be alone.