Saturday, April 27, 2013

Stretching Arms - spring

Spring itself is spreading
the limbs all fuzzy green,
bushes bursting yellow buds
and grass with thick covering.
Sunshine soaks its way within
and rains go full and deep.
Joyful is the mood they're setting
stretching arms from winter's sleep!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Loving Prayer - spring

I am human -
my mind is small;
much of what it wraps around
is of no significance at all.
Daily, I speak the language
of earth and of mankind,
so when my heart is heavy
and feels so confined -
I open up in prayer
like a flower in the spring,
no boundaries could ever contain
this purest of offerings,
soaring far beyond the sky
yet intimately told -
the simplest words of a loving prayer
change the seasons of the soul. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

No Love is Lost - spring. Poem written in memory of Ken Smyth.

Dedicated to Ken Smyth, missionary to Hong Kong who went to be with the Lord  this week.

No love is lost,
no matter where it falls:
even after those who gave are gone -
still it calls.
Cutting through the conflagration
love alone still lives;
No love is lost
for God is love
and all the Glory - His.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Return - Spring

The eastern sky
faintly rises
like a single strain of violins,
ushering its many colors,
gradually filling in.
My prayers, with this light,
will rise
to bring in ever brightening skies
as they crescendo with the sun's appearing
we live with this hope -
His return is nearing.