Friday, September 27, 2013

I choose to walk in the fields
of forgiveness,
realizing we are being
preyed upon
by a malevolence
that's unrelenting
that we all resist
until our strength
is gone.
May your unfailing love be with us, LORD,
even as we put our hope in you.
Psalm 33:21-22

Saturday, September 21, 2013

One Place - Fall

I'd rather stay in this one place
and watch the world pass me by
than to be lost within the whirlwind
never understanding the "why"?
Remaining stable keeps your thoughts straight,
"good things come to those who wait".
So I agree with Solomon the wise
that so much of life is chasing after wind,
it's so hard to get off the track
once you begin,
I for one, am truly fulfilled,
while just

Sunday, September 15, 2013

This Girl's World - fall

This girl's world
is not like mine.
I could never understand
what's going through her mind.
A life of hardship
far beyond her years,
what's happened in so short a time
sends me into tears.
First impressions
sometimes send
a message that they don't intend;
we find ourselves apprising others
so easily, with the slightest little nudge,
what happened to my empathy
when I was quick to judge? 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

September Slumber - fall

September is time
in suspension:
summer's burst of energy
with everything left
to sit and wait,
wondering where
its vitality went...
lengthening shadows,
plants grown high
everything stretching
its way to the sky
life is reaching
for the ever waning sun;
in a sort of stasis resting
between what was
and what is to come...