Tuesday, December 23, 2014

May this poem find its way to your heart through faith -
Oh cold gray skies
we shall not be deprived
of warmth or Light this glorious season
for the Christ child has arrived!
His love is all around
we shall have joy
despite your pall
for God divine in
Jesus is sending
hope for us all.

Merry Christmas

Saturday, December 13, 2014

is reborn
the intimacy
that was torn
away when we chose to leave
and so betrayed
the Author of Love -
how our souls did decay...
Divinity is reborn
let's run and renew
that intimate bond
of pure Love that is true
Life Eternal is only through He
who has been reborn -
God's Divinity.

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Smokin' out the back door
driven to drink,
yet I'm not as hard up
as you might think.
Jesus came a'callin' and Jesus died
with people just like me on His mind.
Now I'm comin' over to Him,
all of me and all my sins
'Cause anyone who can love me enough
to die like that
won't leave me a'sittin' where I'm at. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

falling sun - fall

The shadows have gone long,
so forlorn and worn -
summer's coming to an end.
Seamlessly it's slipping away,
daylight given to decay,
not my favorite season
but it may
redeem itself in some yet colorful way...

Friday, September 12, 2014

Oh how I love to write,
to hear some new stirring within my soul
but yet the sounds are never finished
always it’s beginnings
never reaching the new goal:
Here on earth is just the first verse
where is the chorus?
where is rest?
I know what God is saying…
wait, and have patience
for I am the best -
So when I get to heaven
there will be no ending to His songs
but only satisfaction to this longing
for His Glory goes forever on and on…

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Bitter Tears - summer

Bitter tears

don’t fail me now

falling from abandoned brow

newly fed

from disappointments’ scowl-

Guilty! it said

so I fell in

making my own law and sin

not believing He would save me

yet again…

Faith is resurrected,

sure as He receives my cry

I will never be abandoned

bitter tears

He will have dried…

Saturday, August 16, 2014

working it through - summer

I hear hues of blue
and billows of white
the sky sings Your praise
with its lyric of sight.
I see birds call
and I view the world's in tune
everything working together
as I must work it through...
I don't know when 
and I don't know how
You'll answer prayer
but your peace is now. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Healing from God - summer

To look at people through God's eyes -
what would I see?
A whole lot of people
hurting more than me!
Pain from the inside,
pain from without,
so much suffering
in a world filled with doubt...
evils around us
while faith is God's cure,
Christ saw us all
through a life that was pure
as compassion from the Father flowed
to heal every suffering
in a way we can't know.
So every day
let me pray
that God will restore
each sorrowing soul -
for His eyes are on the people
and He desires to see us whole.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

God is All - summer

God is the feeling of the forest
though He is not the trees.
He is not the sun in the sky
but the light of day that it brings.
God may not be blue
but He is the covering over us all,
He's the warmth of a temperate day
and the feeling of it -
that is His way.
God is the water of a quenching cool stream
where there is no more thirst
because of what His Spirit brings.
He is rest without fatigue,
and comfort when there is no pain.
He is life itself
refreshing us with His eternal rain.
God is good
and when from this earth He calls
we won't be lacking anything we may have left -
at all.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Life Won't Pass You By - summer

is the kind of day
when life doesn’t pass you by,
if you sit still
it will send you things
and you don’t even have to try –
a warming sun
a gentle breeze
the calming sounds
of bird call and trees –
resist the urge to jump up and go
for only by staying
will the blessings flow.

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Fireflies come and go
first they're hidden
then they glow
rising, falling
dreamlike state
fantasies while I'm awake

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Summer Solstice - summer

the climb from a valley
to a mountain peak:
the time from winter solstice
to summer's pinnacled week-
from there the daylight stretches
to both horizons sunlit shores
not obscured like winter's darkness,
deep within a valley's floor.
Here the human soul rejoices
standing midst created height.
Let us never be descending -
keepers of this flame of light.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

To commermorate D-day 70 years ago - spring

The brightest and the bravest
went off to war,
there they killed each other,
now they are no more.
Maybe that is why this world 
seems so very wrong,
those who chose to take a stand -
are gone.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Eternal Spring - spring

 Bring me the Eternal Spring
where everything is turning green
and the Fount of Life – ever flowing.
Death can never be a door
to stop us from receiving more
of Love’s true purpose,
He draws us near
and we are never lost who hear
the only voice that can’t be taken…
with the Giver of life
we’re never forsaken.