Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Some Day... - winter

I have lost no less than 4 friends since 2015 began...
2 were elderly saints but one was my closest childhood and personal friend I've ever had - we were born in the same month and the other friend was from college - 2 years younger than I. 
I write this in their memory as we all must think of our passing  - some day.
There will only be praise
some day - some day
no need of scripture
no need to pray
only praise - only praise
will be heard there
far deeper than happiness
beyond all joy
with music and words in infinite ways
only praise - only praise
you need only lay eyes on the night sky and gaze
to begin now through the rest of you days
and into eternity
praise - only praise
"Praise the Lord oh my soul..." Psalm 146:1