Saturday, June 23, 2018

Grace is... - summer

can a kind and gentle soul
be bought with silver or gold?
is love to be insisted on -
or simply there to hold?
we reach out
searching desperately
yet it's not what we grasp -
it's what we receive;
so be still my soul
for He will arrive
through no striving of my own
by His grace 
He alone 

Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Cove - summer

the cove in the hills
held us fast
kept us close
with our lives unmasked
here we breathe
and natural be
while out there
fades to anonymity
and like dancers
to the music we
take comfort
with familiarity
amid the unspoken
ties that bind
a warmth envelopes
soul and mind
a shelter
for a lifetime sought
sweet return
oh haven - 
here within
my thought

Monday, June 11, 2018

servant seed - summer

servant seed
fall to the ground
no servant is worthy 
who is found to be proud
it's the lowly of heart who rises above
the wrongs of this world
on the wings of God's love