Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Shepherd's Night - Christmas Eve

as the weakening light
gave way to night
the stars began to shine;
heavenly host would appear
brilliant and holy
to the humble and the lowly
revealing a sign
that salvation is near;
a moment - afraid
gives way to "in a manger laid"
no greater joy, no other Love Divine
the son of God is here!

Friday, December 20, 2019

Bethlehem Stable - Christmas

rest now, oh child of love,
it's time to sleep;
all the gifts
you've yet to give
will wait till morn'
in peace 
may you lay
as you become
of mortal ways
yet set aside;
this night abide,
with God and man
the only hope 
of all mankind. 

Saturday, December 7, 2019

So often alone and lost
reaching out and no one there
Dear Heavenly Father
that you for teaching me
the power of prayer. 
Not seeing yet believing
a power beyond my grasp 
this is what you give to me,
my present prayer
Your gift from the past.

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

eventide - fall

it's the sound of creatures
who've through the day been fed
happily singing their evening song
before retiring to bed;
it's the languid motions
that portray many hours awake
along with yellowing
liquid light together the dusk does make;
so less, the acts of dissension,
that contentment
tends to reign
ambition seems to seek its sleep
and all is well again. 

Monday, October 7, 2019

prayer for the persecuted- consolation prayer - fall

when God looks on those who suffer
may someone who serves Him be blest-
those who have lived in humility
and kept their faith throughout their test;
in desperate need of something good
they rest their eyes on Who they should
so the breezes of comfort in their spirit, consoled,
with all the goodness He possesses
and shares with believing souls;
the greatest rewards are yet to come
the day of dawning into the welcoming
of the Father and the Son.

Monday, September 16, 2019

what shall I take into my heart? - summer

what shall I take 
into my heart?
the deepest of places
set apart
fear is set around 
so many wounding darts;
stay so soft
and unaware
of all the evil
desiring to reside just there
stay safely hidden
let no one see
so I may one day leave
 this earth
with life's true treasures
pure, and taken with me

Who returns life - summer

Oh Lord
I stand away
too awestruck
and amazed
to even be near
the power
in a person
that You are here
Who returns life
that has left
is something only You can save
surely every heartbeat
is in Your hand -
I can only stand away.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

I am but one drip 
in the droplets of the sea
being part of what He's chosen
for each of us to be.
He alone creates mosaics
of tiny parts miraculously
forming a great panoramic
of who He is,
for all to see. 

Monday, August 5, 2019

take your pulse - summer

take our pulse
feel the life beneath
each one different
every one unique
God is in there
or we wouldn't be alive
with the blood that flows
He can thrive -
let us then 
find our identity
take your pulse today 
He'll supply what you need

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

messengers - summer

perhaps you came
maybe you sat
perhaps your words
were enough so that
a hurting heart
knew a little less pain
for even a moment
and overcame
the mortal, this flesh,
to the world beyond
where angels minister
and worldly cares gone
I pray this for you
and may ministry come
from mercies messengers
one by one

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

there's a craggy coast - summer

I was imagining a western coast of Europe in this one -
there's a craggy coast
on the other side of the sea
where peaceful sunsets
meet rising rocks
and splashing water upon the lea
as every day the sun unfurls
to wind its way
upon this part of the world
where the sounds of surf
God put into place
are never taken
from its embrace
whether tinted red
or hues of blue
it comes round same
it comes round true
tainted not by mans desires
so truth may be seen
in the sunsets fires

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

a plea - summer

tell me what will take me away
to that slice of heaven
beyond today
light as a dove
and soft as a feather
raise my eyes
be lifted up
to praise the God in heaven
who knows my thoughts 
and prayers from afar
just a slice of heaven please
to here 
from where you are?

Friday, May 31, 2019

sinking into summer - summer

I'm sinking into summer
like a cozy stuffed chair,
all warm and barefoot
surrounded by the soothing air.
Nothing here so pressing
that I have to jump and run,
so lazily I'm lounging
moving slowly as the sun.
Living in the outdoors
whose arms are open wide,
there's a different pace
in the place of grace
less confined than when inside.
Sinking into summer
like a warm cozy chair,
storing up for winter -
like a hibernating bear!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Mothers Day - candle in the window

that one thing 
she used to do
the candle in the window -
welcoming peace
was in view,
oh mother
from far away
I know your love
your candle calls to me today
with never a disappointment
of what is waiting there
only the light and love
that a mother can share
so that one thing
you used to do,
remembering the candle in the window,
peace is in view

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

dandelions of youth - spring

dandelions of youth
exert more truth
than all the planted flowers
that adults arrange;
to see children laughing
while picking these that are unbidden,
whose same flowers
be ridden
from landscapes to make way
for more purposeful heads
that incite the less gleeful
and just looked at instead;
so I choose the dandelion
and children set free
and hope to be happy in life

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Eternity Reclaimed - spring

How far back can we remember???
There’s a cry for the children,
those that are here
and those that are now,
who we once were –
we can reach them somehow;
knowing we’ve all come
from our youth
learning good things and bad
the lies and the truth
the sweet days of innocence
sunshine and breeze
warmth while out playing
a feeling at ease
yet how deeply we felt
when evil had its way
but we’ve lived to come through it
to another day.
The Lord’s reaching out
He heals and He saves
it’s all there in Him
come what may.
Bless us Lord
in the darkest of night
sit with us and bring us
to the Glory of Your Light,
Your message received
that was proclaimed
Hallelujah for
the healing –
praise He
who overcame!
For eternity’s calling
we’re but in a time frame
our past, present, future
through Him

Sunday, April 21, 2019

empty grave - Easter morning

we can never go farther
than the empty grave
even with modern
or enlightened ways
His was the triumph
where once He lay
risen to never
see decay.
let's stop here 
and gather to praise
with worship
at the empty grave

Monday, April 8, 2019

Easter Poem Hold Me Fast - spring

help me to hang unto Christ,
He who hung upon the cross,
who gave up ever treasure of heaven
to be with us in our loss;
selfishness and society
would try to pry me
loose from Thee
but only Your enveloping arms
will hold me fast
and safe from harm

Monday, March 11, 2019

when life seems tenuous - spring

the sun has been out brightly
we see the goodness of God
oh keep us all in faithfulness
especially now
when times call for such tenderness
and none seems to be found -
who will bring us what we need
when we ourselves scarcely know
except that life seems tenuous
and it is to You we go...

Saturday, March 2, 2019

becoming wise - spring

I can still walk
but it's getting harder to climb
being long on this planet
takes its toll over time;
maybe dimming eyes
and softening ears
means a lessening awareness
and perhaps a lesser fear
for we know we've made it thus far
and this not of our own
so from now on there's less struggle
and more trust to take us home

Friday, March 1, 2019

the promise of watching - spring

Just outside the window
there was a little knoll,
where in my senior year of college
I watched the spring grass grow.
While I sat, the wind raced free
fluttering the green grass so expressively,
anticipating every promise
of what life had to hold -
sharing music's joy with children
like flowers to unfold.
I am not God who plants life's seeds
but went out to nourish, provide and weed,
and in the end I could sometimes see
them flourish ever so naturally.
With every spring I cannot wait
until the sun and rain will send
the warm wind blowing wistfully
over the land again;
and think of the students,
that in the end,
fulfilled the ambitions ideals portend
and honor the feelings
I once did hold
with the promise of watching
the spring grass grow. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

mercies are rising - winter

the birds are back
but the snow's still intact
I open my window
to hear them sing
but the air of winter
is not of spring
so frozen still
but somehow they know
that mercies are rising
though the earth is cold. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

fragrance of faith - winter

how many beautiful,
lovely things
under the snow doth lie
waiting for the sun to sing
its gentle lullaby
to soothe the land
and bring forth dreams
of sounds unheard
and seed unseen
for we know they are there
and patiently wait
while trusting God
for our fragrance of faith

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

path to heaven - winter

my path to heaven began –
light through a window
my eyes are raised
my heart is drawn
there is more than me –
there has to be…
answers stream
comfort beams
for all the children
belong to God
He has come to redeem.

Jesus called the children to him and said,
 "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
Luke 18:16

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

circumstance comes to dance - winter

You've given me voice
how can I not rejoice?
comes to dance
through the pen
so praise
may rise again
from either thought 
or situation
Your desire
be my dictation. 

Sunday, January 13, 2019

where I've stood - winter

where I've stood
and where I stand
footprints left upon the sand
where with the tide be swept away
and never known a later day
but where I land is solid ground
the light of Jesus all around
and in the end no feet
can leave
no greater mark
than the Eternal
to Whom I cleave

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

sweep over me sweet Jesus - winter

begin sweet Jesus
to sweep over me
like the changing of the seasons
like the waves upon the sea
move through my emotions
You will bring
the newness of Your saving grace
the freshness of a spring
come to us 
though we be still
and carry us
into Your will
taken away
with loving care
swept up in Your Spirit
my deliverance

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

We'll never be out of His care - winter

In the season of changes
we may feel neither here nor there,
looking for meaning as life rearranges
in ways that we hadn't prepared.
This is when faith is a constant companion
and the Lord keeps our souls aware
that He's always leading us by the hand
and we'll never be out of His care.